
Last weekend saw our annual Washburn rafting weekend which was attended by several clubs and individuals as well as many members from WYCC.

The Saturday didn’t get off to a great start with grey sky’s and torrential rain which continued throughout the day, despite  this it was quite a busy day with several raft runs and many kayakers on the river.

Sunday however was a different story, once the sun broke through the clouds the temperature soared and eager rafters and kayakers descended upon the Washburn and the car park was soon full and the event was buzzing as we struggled to keep up with the groups of rafters.

At the end of the weekend the event was a great success and we hope all guests and WYCC members who came along enjoyed the event as much as we did.

Lastly a massive Thank You to all WYCC members who came along to help out over the weekend – without You we could not run the event. A big shout out also to Heath who came along to guide the raft all weekend and also Esther who brought along Greenstar’s minibus on the Sunday for the shuttle.


If anyone has any photo’s or video from the weekend please feel free to email to: clubsecretary@westyorkshirecanoeclub.com and we will put a gallery on the website.