
Good evening all, unfortunately 2021 has not got off to a great start for the club. We are however hoping that once we get into spring we will be able to get out on the water again.

We have just sent an email out to all members about our proposed summer camping trip to Devon, this has been an annual trip for the last few years and allows members to experience sea kayaking and surfing as well as just generally having a few days away to have a bit of fun – if you haven’t received an email please drop a message to: club secretary or send a message on Facebook so we can add you to the mailing list.

Just a quick reminder that membership fees are due shortly – renewal can be completed and paid for all online on our website. As a club we have to pay fees for all our members in March to British Canoeing  for Waterways licences as well as insurance so it is important that all members are paid up prior to this.

We are looking to hold a virtual AGM via Zoom in the next couple of months and will be available to all club members, normally the AGM is in November but due to the extraordinary events of 2020 we decided to postpone until early this year. There will be some positions available on the committee and we would welcome any of our members to to join us, full details will be posted once a date has been set.

On behalf of the Committee we would like to thank all of our members for their support during these difficult times and fingers crossed we can get back to some kind of normal in the coming months.