This Saturday we will run a session on the River at Horbury Junction.
Events for this weekend have been added to the Calendar
River/Taster sessions:
10.00 – 12.00
The above times are START of session times so please ensure you arrive early enough to get changed, kitted out and ready to get on the water at the time above.
We have a limited number of SUP’s for use – if you would like to use a SUP please book the session you require and then follow the link to request a SUP.
Please ensure you are kitted out correctly with a change of clothes and suitable footwear – wetsuit shoes or pumps, trainers are too bulky. The weather is getting colder now and the water is cooling down quickly so please ensure you have adequate clothing and a change of clothes. We have a limited number of wetsuits available on a first come basis but can’t guarantee availability.
The café at the river is open 9am – 1pm so if you want a sandwich you can grab a butty before getting on the water.
The cost for borrowing equipment is £10.00 per person for any session.
Anyone who has not paddled with the club before MUST complete a taster session before joining regular sessions, this allows us to assess any new members and run over club safety procedure’s etc. Taster sessions MUST be booked on the website at £15 per session