Saturday 21st August

Events for this weekend have been added to the Calendar

This week we are running all sessions on the river including taster sessions

Morning river session:

10.00 – 12.00pm         

10.00 – 12.00pm Taster session

Afternoon River session:

1.00 – 3.00pm

1.00 – 3.00pm Taster session

This weeks sessions will be limited in numbers as several of our coaches are away on holiday.

The café at the river is open now until 9 – 1pm so if you want a sandwich you can grab a butty before getting on the water.

The cost for borrowing equipment is £10.00 per person for any session and tasters sessions are £15 per person.  

Anyone who has not paddled with the club before MUST complete a taster session before joining regular sessions, this allows us to assess any new members and run over club safety procedure’s etc. Taster sessions can also be booked on the website .