The next trip is scheduled for the River Crayke. This is a short stretch of grade 2/3 river running from Lake Coniston to Greenod. It is approximately a 6 mile trip with the first mile down the lake before entering the river. This part of the trip can be shortened but includes a short walk to the lake, Whereas the normal putin I use the walk is about 50 yards. The river is narrow and consists of mainly grade 2 sections with 2 grade 3 sections. The first Grade 3 can be inspected but the last one Bobbin Mill cannot be inspected and as such you need to be competent in your ability in the boat as the only safety is at the start and at the end.
The shuttle will take about 45 mins so I therefore suggest that we meet at 9.00 am at the putin indicated on the rainchasers site. This should enable us to be on the water about 11.00. With about 2/3 hours for the trip we should be off about 2.00pm. Please bring a warm drink and something to eat.
Will you please let me know before Friday if you intend to paddle. The distance from Dewsbury is approx.115m and will take about 2 hours using the motorway. If anyone wants a lift me please get in touch.
Link to rainchasers site:
Mike Robson