2012 Club Committee Members

Dear All,

At the 2011 AGM, the committee positions and procedures were discussed, with the outcome being that the following decisions would be made at the subsequent Committee Meeting:

Vice-Chair to be selected via a committee member vote, and once the person is elected into the post; their committee member post would immediately be dissolved. The remaining new committee members elected at the AGM would then have their names put into a hat, and the first three drawn out would be given two-year posts and the remaining would be one-year posts. Those people elected into one-year posts will need to reapply for position on the committee at the 2012 AGM, where the vacant one-year posts will revert to two-year posts to ensure there is a balance of members up for election each year.

Following tonight’s Committee Meeting, the 2012 WYCC Committee is as follows.

With Kind Regards


Chairman – Richard Cooke – 1 year remaining
Vice-Chair – Ian Johnson – 2 years
Treasurer – Steve Thorley-Lawson – 1 year
Secretary – Adrian O’Meara – 2 years
Member – Andy Walker – 1 year
Member – Peter Dawson – 2 year
Member – Steve Arundale – 2 year
Member – Tony Thompson – 2 year
Member – Paul Atkins – 1 year
Member – Andy Smith – 1 year
Junior Member – Keelan Wilbond – 1 year (Co-opt Position)

River Tees Pictures, Sun 4th Dec

Club members attended an intermediate paddle on the River Tees on the 4th Dec. The day was an overwhelming success and enjoyed by everyone who came along, even the lone swimmer…

Gordon Carey has provided a few pictures from the day. Further pictures can be seen on the club Facebook page.

Album 1

Album 2

A video of Abbey Rapids is viewable on the WYCC YouTube page, being paddled by club members Richard, Paul and Matthew.

Here’s a taster:

River Calder – 19th Nov

A few of us are looking to go on the Calder tomorrow for a couple of hours. If anyone wants to paddle, meet at Healey Mills at 1.00pm. If anyone wants to join us or needs any gear etc please give me a call or message. Andy.

River Ure on Sunday

This coming Sunday is the Club’s Beginner/Intermediate Trip on The River Ure at West Tanfield. This trip is suitable for all levels unless the water level is high. This River can rise quickly so its vital that people let us know they are attending in case we have to cancel or re-arrange.

The plan is to meet at Slenningford Watermill Campsite at 9:30am. If any one requires equipment, please let Mike Robson or myself (Rich Cooke) know by Friday at the latest.

Please email Rich or Mike to let us know if you are attending.