River Wharfe, Sun 4th March

Click here to see pictures from the day

Click here to watch the video

Click here to see current level of lower Wharfe

The plan for this Sunday is to paddle the River Wharfe from Hebden to Barden Tower. This is a grade 2/3 stretch which is suitable for most when the river is at reasonable levels. The plan is to meet at 9:30am at Barden Tower in the lay-by over the bridge on the far side of the river. Go past the Tower car park and take the next right and follow the road down over the river.

It is IMPORTANT that people let us know that they plan on attending so we can organise enough competent people for safety and leadership on the river as well as the trip location possibly changing due to water levels. It is vital that we have sufficient safety cover, and if this isn’t the case trip numbers could be limited. The final say on who can attend the trip is down to the organisers.

Please note anyone not confirming they are attending could be turned away on the day. The organisers do not accept any responsibility for people turning up when a trip has been cancelled or the meeting place changed, if we do not know you are attending.

This trip is only open to WYCC members.

Please confirm your attendance via email before 10pm Fri 2nd Mar to:

Rich – monkeypaddler@hotmail.co.uk
Paul – paul-atkins@talktalk.net

Map of meeting point

River Ure Trip – 19th Feb 2012

The plan for this Sunday (19th Feb) is to paddle the River Ure at West Tanfield. The trip will be down from Mickley to Sleningford which takes in grade 2 and 3 sections of river. The plan is to meet at the campsite (Sleningford Waterrmill) at 9:30am.

Anyone who plans to attend MUST let either of the organisers know.

It is IMPORTANT that people let us know that they plan on attending so we can organise enough competent people for safety and leadership on the river as well as the trip location possibly changing due to water levels. It is vital that we have sufficient safety cover, and if this isn’t the case trip numbers could be limited. The final say on who can attend the trip is down to the organisers.

Please note anyone not confirming they are attending could be turned away on the day. The organisers do not accept any responsibility for people turning up when a trip has been cancelled or the meeting place changed, if we do not know you are attending. Trips are only open to WYCC members.




Don’t forget to register your interest for the Ilfracombe annual club holiday!

The time of year has come to organise the annual club holiday / trip.

Looking at various locations and options we have chosen to hit North Devon again. North Devon has much more consistent suitable surfing conditions, there are also plenty of attractions for non-paddlers and families, and the beaches and scenery are fantastic.

The proposed dates are Sat 4th Aug to Sat 11th Aug and to stay at Watermouth Valley Campsite, just outside of Combe Martin as seen here:


Please let Adrian or Richard know if you are interested as soon as possible and by Friday 10th Feb at the latest please.

River Calder, 29th Jan

Click here to see the full set of pictures

This Sundays plan is to paddle the River Calder, which is suitable for all levels and a good first river for people who have never been on moving water.

The plan is to meet at the lay-by west of M62 Junction 25 at 9.30am. If anyone requires more info or equipment please let us know. (see bottom of post for contacts)

It is IMPORTANT that people let us know that they plan on attending so we can organise enough competent people for safety and leadership on the river as well as the trip location changing due to water levels – the forecast currently is for rain all week.

Please note anyone not confirming they are attending could be turned away on the day. The organisers do not accept any responsibility for people turning up when a trip has been cancelled or the meeting place changed, if we do not know you are attending.

Please confirm your attendance via email to:

Rich – monkeypaddler@hotmail.co.uk
Paul – paul-atkins@talktalk.net



River Wharfe, Sun 22nd Jan

More pictures on Facebook

Click here to see current level of lower Wharfe

The plan for this Sunday is to paddle the River Wharfe from Hebden to Barden Tower. This is a grade 2/3 stretch which is suitable for most when the river is at reasonable levels. The plan is to meet at 9:30am at Barden Tower in the lay-by over the bridge on the far side of the river. Go past the Tower car park and take the next right and follow the road down over the river.

It is IMPORTANT that people let us know that they plan on attending so we can organise enough competent people for safety and leadership on the river.

Please note anyone not confirming they are attending could be turned away on the day. The organisers do not accept any responsibility for people turning up when a trip has been cancelled or the meeting place changed, if we do not know you are attending.

Please confirm your attendance via email to:

Rich – monkeypaddler@hotmail.co.uk
Paul – paul-atkins@talktalk.net

Map of meeting point

Sowerby Bridge, 14th Jan

A fun but cold day (check out the icicles!) playing on the waves at Sowerby Bridge.

Click here to see the Video

On Saturday 14th Jan, a few of us are planning to go paddling to Sowerby Bridge for a couple of hours on the slalom course. At the moment there is Andy Walker, Tony and Karen Thompson, Andy Smith and Steve Arundale planning to be there. If anyone else is interested in paddling please let Andy Walker know, just so he has an idea of numbers or if levels become too high.

We plan to meet in the car park at the industrial units, immediate right after crossing the river around 12:00.

Reminder: New Years Day Paddle

A reminder that the Club New Years Day Paddle takes place this Sunday, 1st January 2012 @ 10.30am.

Meet at Slenningford Watermill, near West Tanfield and paddle from Mickley to Slenningford Watermill.

Any equipment required please contact Peter Dawson via peter@decats.f9.co.uk

Some members may wish to walk up the river side instead of paddling and then join us for the Faith lunch.

The Faith lunch will be held above the Try-It/Go Outdoors canoe shop (thanks to Simon for letting us use the room). A Faith lunch is where each person brings some food such as: Mince Pies; Sandwiches; Xmas Cake; Cheese; Pork Pie; Mulled Wine; Wine; Mars Bar Cake; Sausages; Breadsticks; Dips; etc. The food is put on a central table and shared. This is an alternative to going for a meal at the local pub as they were charging £25 per head for lunch a few years ago and could become expensive for a family.

Hope to see you all there.