Where to find us?

The club holds regular pool, river and lake sessions at a number of locations. Feel free to come along and give it a try – both children and adults are welcome to take part.

Instructors are present at every session to guide you and answer any questions you may have.

To take part, all you need to bring is suitable attire for swimming in (e.g. shorts and a t-shirt) and pumps or wetsuit shoes for River/Pugneys. All other equipment will be provided (kayak, paddle, spraydeck, helmet, buoyancy aid). The sessions are fun and exciting and provide a good introduction to kayaking.

You should expect to get wet on your first session 🙂

Tuition is free although there is a small charge for the use of the pools and Pugneys and club kit on the river.

You can find us at the following locations:-