AGM 2017

The 2017 AGM will be held on Tuesday 28th November 7.30pm at  Ossett Cricket Club.

This is an important event that will determine the committee members who will run your club for the  next year.

We would urge as many members as possible to attend the AGM and have your say. We will also be looking to appoint several new members to the committee – please get in touch if you believe you can contribute to the running of the club.

All nominations should be sent to: and must be proposed and seconded by a committee member.

Please note only current 2017/2018 members are eligible to vote at the AGM – membership is due now so don’t forget  to complete your membership forms and get them sent in as soon as possible please.

The club will as usual provide a pie & peas supper after the AGM – please let us know by email if you intend to attend the AGM: